Our Tutors - Jacquie Harvey BEM

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Having sewn for most of my life, I have concentrated on hand quilting for the past 25 years and have had enormous fun being able to share my interests with many others around the country, as well as internationally.  I have also been lucky enough to be awarded many prizes for my work and in 2016, I was presented with the British Empire Medal for Hand Quilting, Design and Services to the Quilting Industry.

I have had the great pleasure of teaching at The Wemyss School of Needlework and being able to see the wonderful designs in the collection of quilting patterns.  I was able to use one, a quilted hot water bottle cover, originally designed for H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, to make a cushion, which was presented by Fiona Wemyss to H.M. the Queen, in 2015.  I have also adapted another design for a kit from the Bluebird quilt, which will soon be made available for purchase from the School.

I am currently involved in helping to create a long textile (similar in style to the Bayeux Tapestry) for the new Banqueting Hall, which will be part of the Norwich Castle Keep project, opening Easter 2020.

My work can be seen in the Gallery on my website jacquieharvey.co.uk